Pursuant to Section 1.18 of the EV Charging Patent Portfolio License, "EV Charging Standard" shall mean one or more of the standards defined in:
A. CCS as published in Combined Charging System Definition and Scope (Version 1.2.9, 2019-06-05);
B. Bharat EV Charging Standards AIS-138 (Part 1 and Part 2);
C. CHAdeMO published as IEEE Standard 2030.1.1TM-2015;
D. The GB EV Charging Standards including GB 18487.1-2015, GB 20234.1-2015, GB 20234.2-2015, GB 20234.3-2015, GB 27930-2015, Q/GDW 397-2009, Q/GDW 398-2009, Q/GDW 399-2009, Q/GDW 400-2009 and GB/T 18384.3-2015;
E. SAE J1772, SAE J3068, IEC 62196-1:2014, IEC 62196-2:2011, IEC 62196-3:2014, IEC 60309, IEC 61851-1 Ed 2.0: 2010, IEC 61851-1 Ed 3.0: 2017, IEC 61851-21-1:2017, IEC 61851-21-2:2018, IEC 61851-23:2014, IEC 61851-24:2014, IEC 61851-25:2020, ISO 15118-1:2013, ISO 15118-2:2014, ISO 15118-3:2015, DIN Spec 70121:2014-12, SAE J2847/2, ISO 6469-3, and ISO 17409:2013-09;
F. Open Charge Point Protocol;
G. HomePlug Green Phy; and H. North American Charging Standard (as published in Tesla TS-0023666)
The foregoing standards to include all standards referenced to be used in their implementation whether implemented independently or in combination.
To assist in your research, click here to download the most recent available cross-reference chart showing illustrative claims of patents in the patent families on the Attachment 1 Patent List and sections of the EV Charging Standard for which they are essential.