MPEG LA Issues Statement in Support of MC-IF VVC Fostering Process
DENVER, CO, US – 20 August 2020 – MPEG LA, LLC issued the following statement today:
MPEG LA’s track record of independence, trust and transparency with which we have advanced patent pool licensing for nearly a quarter century speaks for itself. We do not retreat from our objective of striking a balance between patent holders and implementers to make video technologies widely available to the market on reasonable terms consistent with competition guidelines. That is who we are; no rebranding is necessary. As difficult as it may be, the goal of a single VVC patent pool license is a desirable one. While we have now learned that one party no longer takes seriously the Media Coding Industry Forum (MC-IF) process for fostering a single VVC patent pool, MPEG LA believes the MC-IF process should be given every chance to succeed and be taken seriously by an anxious market wishing for a better way. In that spirit, MPEG LA looks forward with confidence to the opportunity to participate.